Thursday, November 15, 2007

Islam: The Religion of Hate

What happens to a girl who is gang-raped by six armed men in Saudi Arabia? You give her 200 lashes and six months in jail if your a conservative Muslim.

From the people of the "Religion of Peace" who brought you 9/11, beheadings of journalists, REAL torture of our captured American military, the riots over a Danish cartoon: now comes another example of their grotesque "justice" in their inhumane treatment of a 19 year old rape victim.

But what do you expect from religion founded by an obsessive-compulsive false prophet who killed thousands in cold blood because they wouldn't accept his twisted view of God? This is the same guy who lived off of rich older women until he became powerful enough to legitimize his desire to molest young girls.

Now his followers have slithered their way into every corner of the world with their "holy jihad" against western civilization and Israel. In mosques worldwide, even the USA, their mullahs and imams smear our society and help plot the eventual destruction of "infidel" governments.

Until they can actually get enough political juice to destroy us politically, they are content to just slaughter innocent people who are shopping, working, having dinner, or burying their dead. All in the name of their bastard god "Allah" and his pedophile prophet Muhammad!

Of course, Ron Paul, who actually has a fan base called "Christians for Ron Paul", wants us to try to understand that we, the Americans, caused the Islamic community to breed this blood-thirsty lot of wretched human beings; and that by understanding them, we can all work out our differences and we'll finally have peace!

Western culture is at worldwide war with Islam and it's henchmen.

Unfortunately, it will take some extreme acts of terrorism beyond the pale to wake the intended victims out of their apathy and to fight back.

Isolationism and non-interventionism will not work in this new age and new war that we are in.

Only by clearly identifying an enemy can you fight him, and only by choosing to use superior force can you defeat him.

For the sake of all the 19 year old girls out there, let's find the resolve to do both.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

McCain, "the Bitch", and the V-Card

On November 12, a woman in South Carolina asked Sen. John McCain "how do we beat the bitch?", referring to Hillary Clinton.

There was much laughter, sophomoric giggling, and finally McCain responded that he respects Hillary, and that he respects anyone who has gets the nomination of the Democrat party.

Sean Hannity admired the Senator's response, saying that McCain avoided giving Hillary a chance to play her victim card again. Sean advised the Republicans to avoid any actions or language that would give Hillary the v-card opening, such as Rick Lazio's famous stride across the podium in their debate to hand Hillary a piece of paper.

Therein lies the problem that every male candidate faces, being tough on Clinton without giving her the ammo to play the v-card over and over again.

Hannity and McCain are wrong to think that going soft on Hillary is going to help them in this unprecedented battle of man vs. woman for President.

First of all, McCain should have said that using "bitch" in a public forum to describe a political rival is wrong, that it cheapens legitimate debate, and that he wouldn't use the word loosely in public himself.

Second, McCain and anyone who faces Hillary in the political arena has to have the courage to call Sen. Clinton on her use of the v-card every time she faces a challenge of her policies and political agenda.

Just as Reagan defused Carter in 1980 with his famous "There you go again..", the men who battle Hillary must be able to deftly point to her permanent victim card status and make no apologies later.

If Clinton wins the Democrat nomination, the battle of the sexes and political correctness that has brewed for the last 40 years in our culture is going to be center stage. If the Republican nominee is man enough to tackle this problem head-on, he will be able to get his issues on the stage and reduce Clinton's v-card to a consolation card in November of '08.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Today's News...

Don't forget our troops this Thanksgiving and Christmas...One Mom has links to some good charities that fill the bill...

MUST READ..La Shawn Barber has a great article about "Comprehensive review", which is college admissions protocol that discriminates against white and Asian students..

Hillbilly White Trash looks at the Giuliani phenomenon: How does a liberal like Rudy lead the primary race in a party that is pro-life, pro-gun, and home to the religious right?

The Minutemen, a subversive gang? California Conservative has the latest...

George at Alamo Nation has something to say to Hollywood about their anti-Iraq war movies...

Monday, November 12, 2007

Vidoe Tribute to Our Veterans

I saw this on Backyard Conservative, and had to put it here for your enjoyment...

Today's News...

All American Blogger tackles the inherent immorality of the S-CHIP program...

Benazir Bhutto is back under house arrest again, Musharraf insists the elections will take place as scheduled... if you believe that he's got a bridge to sell you also...

Fatah and Hamas..Do us all a favor and wipe each other out... the two terrorist organizations face off to commemorate Arafat's death three years ago...

Get a look at what our soldiers experience in Guantanamo Bay...You'll have a new appreciation for the moral strength of our soldiers...

Iraq Vets Take on 'Myths' of Supply Problems

Contrary to what we hear from the MSM, the veterans of both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars are satisfied with their training, equipment, and supply lines.

The following article is from

Iraq Vets Take on 'Myths' of Supply Problems
By Nathan Burchfiel
November 12, 2007

( - Veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq on Friday rebutted perceptions that troops in the region were undersupplied during their stays and said troops now have the supplies they need to fight terrorists effectively.

"There actually were some pretty impressive things going on with the supply system," Maj. Jason Amerine, who served in Afghanistan immediately after Sept. 11, 2001, said during a panel discussion at the annual American Veterans Center conference in Washington, D.C.

"My experience was a system that worked very well, from ordering saddles in Texas that got dropped by airplanes ... to ordering other kinds of vehicles and equipment like that," Amerine said, acknowledging that "in the years that followed we found a supply system that was under a lot of stress."

Sgt. Jeremiah Workman, a Marine who fought in the second battle of Fallujah, said Marines are trained to fight with the equipment they're given and didn't think twice. "First of all, I wouldn't have known what was good gear and what wasn't good gear," he said.

"Over the last couple years we've really gone from this to that," Workman said, referring specifically to going from low-armored vehicles to heavily armored Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles. "I think they're really looking out for the well-being of every service member."

Maj. Heidi Urben, a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, said knowing what equipment was needed was "not necessarily inquisitive in the very early days of the two campaigns" but that "for all our faults we can adapt and we can learn."

All the panelists agreed that the troops currently fighting on the ground in both countries now are well-equipped, well-trained, and improving their methods. "We still, I think, are trying to figure out what are the best solutions," said Urben, who moderated the discussion.

"We're definitely moving in the right direction as far as gear," Workman said, adding that Marines are motivated to accomplish their mission. "Motivation was not a problem, at least where I was in Fallujah - at all."

Amerine said whether or not success is reached in Afghanistan and Iraq is up to the leadership's dedication to keeping a strong troop presence in the region. "It isn't a question of whether the troops are capable of it," he said.

"I think our services are actually very good at counterinsurgency," Amerine said. "I disagree with this notion that there's this huge learning curve."

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Video Tribute to Our Veterans

Check out this video on

Veteran's Day: Correcting The Shame of the VA

Today is the day that we honor our veterans who have served our country defending America and protecting our rights and liberties.

Our rights and liberties are under attack in the USA from within and without. While our military fights the physical enemy that seeks to destroy America, the citizens of the USA who value their freedoms must fight a war of ideas and propaganda in their schools, town halls, State and Federal government, and the media.

The veterans of our armed services need to be treated better also. Ever since our Republic was established, the veterans who fought the good fight have been neglected and the promise and duty we have to them has been ignored.

It's time that we step up to the plate as our military has done and make new efforts to take care of their medical, psychological, and rehabilitative needs. The short-changing has to stop!

The solution is for the Federal government to set up a fund that provides these soldiers with the care they need from the private sector. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) must be abolished since it has proven woefully inadequate to care for the needs of the bravest and most deserving among us.

If there is any government agency that demonstrates the inadequacy of Federal bureaucracy in comparison to the proficiency of the private sector, the Department of Veterans Affairs is it. From bureaucratic waste to outright neglect of our veterans, the VA is an abomination and must be eradicated.

The scandal surrounding the conditions at Walter Reed Army Medical Center is just the tip of the iceberg; politics coupled with apathy has created a bloated vestigial structure that must be removed like an inflamed appendix (although you wouldn't want it removed by the VA!).

The measure of our gratitude for our veterans should not be parades, observances, or speeches. The greatest measure of our gratitude is seen in how we take care of those who have shown the courage and devotion to our country and are the "True Heroes" of our generation.

Write your senators and congressmen and demand that they rectify the deplorable way our government treats our veterans.