Friday, November 2, 2007

Mutiny on the Bounty Hunter: Dog and the N-word

Duane "Dog" Chapman, the star of the cable reality series "Dog the Bounty Hunter", was caught this week using the N-word in a recorded conversation with his son he thought was private.

His son, Tucker Chapman, had already made a deal with National Enquirer to get a recording of his dad using the N-word so they could have some fun trying to ruin is career.

I've seen two episodes of this A&E reality show. Dog and his fellow tattooed low-lifes spend their time finding people of similar character to their own who happen to be jumping bail and bringing them in to face justice. It's pretty hard to tell the difference between the scumbags on either side of the law in this series.

Of course, the cry of racism was raised because of the use of the N-word, which was supposedly declared dead and symbolically buried in a ceremony a few months ago by civil rights activists. The symbolism was to help take the power of the word away and free the oppressed blacks in America.

I guess some people didn't get the memo on the N-word being dead and having no power, because the uproar over Dog's use of the word has forced A&E to halt production of his show.

Personally, I never use the word and find it completely disgusting that other people do use it without even thinking about it and the power it has to demean fellow humans who have been created in the image of God.

However, I also believe in free speech and free enterprise. Dog should be able to use the word if he wants, whether publicly or privately, and A&E should have the power to cancel his show if they don't want to be associated with it.

I really can't understand how fans of the show could be offended, considering how low their standards have to be to watch this piece of crap. Nevertheless, viewers can express their indignation by switching the channel, thereby withdrawing their support of the show and it's sponsors, who will move on to greener pastures.

What alarms me the most is how our culture views people in the public eye. Once they find out you're human and have prejudices, foibles, dark secrets, or ill-manners, they demand that your career be ruined on the spot and that your dark stain on humanity be removed in perpetuity.

Yeah, we have racists, like Dog, Michael Richards, and Mel Gibson. We have drug addicts like Robert Kennedy Jr, Rush Limbaugh, and Robin Williams. We have sex addicts like Larry Craig, Bill Clinton, and PeeWee Herman. The world is full of people who have some dark weakness that they have or have not given into to some degree or another.

The stature of the person shouldn't be determined by their own dark weakness, since sin and weakness is a universal fault, rather it should be determined by how they correct the wrong course they are on. Accepting the truth of our fallen nature and dealing with it are the measure of the man or woman.

Dealing with it in this case doesn't mean running to the "Reverend" Al Sharpton for absolution. Al Sharpton represents the African race as much as I represent the white race. Dog needs to confront his own dark, sinful nature by seeking an audience with God, not an audience with some impotent, sinful human like Sharpton.

This should be seen as an opportunity to see what Dog, the man, is made of. We already know he's human, now let's see how he handles the truth of his weak nature.

Eight of the 9/11 Hijackers Were Registered to Vote

Hillary and NY Governor Spitzer should read read a new article on the 9/11 hijackers.

Even a liberal like Ed Schultz is against giving illegal aliens driver licenses.

The liberal Democrats are trying to get extra fraudulent voters for their next campaign and also under-mining our national security at the same time...

Today's News...

The Mukasey nomination to Attorney General seems to hang on the "torture"'s a great column about the subject

Bush chides Democrats on war issue, draws on history of appeasement of Hitler and Lenin...

I thought they "buried the N-word"...guess this guy didn't get the memo..

That was quick...University of Delaware drops racist program... I figured it would take another week..

All American blogger has some good posts on illegal immigration and the poor not really getting poorer...

Conservative Pundit covers Rush's analysis of Hillary and the driver's license flap

Cao examines the price of oil and Hillary's collapse during the debate.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Hillary Bombs:Panic in the Liberal Wasteland

Listening to the "progressive" Ed Schultz radio show this afternoon, I came away convinced that the Republican nominee can beat Hillary after her dreadful performance in Tuesday's big debate.

Callers to his show were livid that she couldn't state her position on the NY driver license flap, and not releasing her records from her White House days was also a big turn-off for them.

And now her whining publicly and in a political advertisement about her rough treatment by "the boys" and Tim Russert (hope he's wearing a bullet-proof vest these days) is making liberals think twice about supporting her.

Several of the callers, formerly supporters of the Hill-de-beast, were now disgusted by her school-girl antics and seemed to warm up to John Edwards and Chris Dodd. (As much as I don't like his politics, Dodd seems to be the only one up there who has a brain)

Another point of contention was her using this debacle to try to raise more money; every time somebody says something negative about a democrat, they feel the urge to raise more money from their constituency.

I think that liberals are waking up to the fact that Hillary is an empty pant-suit, something conservatives have known all along.

University of Delaware Responds to Expose'

The University of Delaware came under attack this week from conservatives for hate-filled racist views they promote through their "residence life educational program".

I wont go into detail about the program except to say that it promotes the view that all white people are racists and that this view must be accepted by the student. The whole article is here.

The University of Delaware has responded by lying through their teeth. Here's a few excerpts:

"Far from stifling free speech, the residential life educational program seeks to encourage free speech."

"Students in residence halls are not forced to participate, and certainly are not forced to agree with any particular point of view."

"The residential life educational program, which has been developed with the express intent of helping students think critically and analytically, has had the input of student leaders, faculty and administrators and is continually assessed through feedback from individuals and through focus groups."

Hey, we all love free speech, but using our tax dollars to teach kids that all white people are racist through a "educational program" smacks of Stalinism.

Hillary Bombed in Debate

From the Politico to Chris Matthews to liberal radio talk show host Ed Schultz, seems like everyone agrees Hillary bombed in her Tuesday night debate.

She waffled on the NYS licensing of illegal aliens issue during the debate then came out in support of it the next day.

Two weeks ago she proposed several programs designed to get her the single-mom vote, only to reject them days later.

Hillary has no foundational principles to guide her, except one: Win the White House at all cost.

The Huckabee Buzz

All the good political buzz seems to be about Mike Huckabee these days.

Dick Morris has had two articles in one week about Mike, the latest being The Huckabee Boomlet.

Tuesday, Newt Gingrich was singing Mike's praises on the Neal Boortz radio show.

You've got all the "dark horse" candidate talk going around also thanks to Bill Clinton.

Ann Coulter, WND, and other candidates starting to fire on Mike shows they are worried about his growing strength in the field and Mike's campaign is starting to gain momentum with October being the highest fund-raising month so far.

I would expect to see an increase in attacks on Huckabee this November as the bullseye on his back grows in proportion to his momentum.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Now That's a Trophy Wife!

What do you call a woman that's half your age, way taller and better looking than you are, and marries you after only dating for three months?

Answer: Elizabeth Kucinich

Rush Limbaugh Missed Opportunity on War

On Rush's show today, the topic of great presidents being defined by wars was brought up. One caller correctly stated that the most admired presidents were the ones who led us victoriously through times of war. (Reagan, though not fighting a conventional war, won the Cold War.)

A later caller disagreed, mistakenly pointing to Thomas Jefferson as a great president who didn't have to fight a war. Here's where Rush missed a golden opportunity.

Jefferson was the first president to actually press the might of the American military overseas in the case of the Barbary Coast pirates headquartered in Tripoli.

The history of events leading up to this action is very long and detailed (full story here), but the basic story is this: Our commercial and political strength were being threatened by Tripoli, and Jefferson, without a declaration of war by Congress, sent the fledgling U.S. armed forces to straighten the matter out.

(This is where the phrase in the Marine anthem "to the shores of Tripoli" comes from.)

Sound familiar? The nay-sayers who would criticize G.W. Bush should look back to our greatest statesmen, Thomas Jefferson, as proof of the validity of preemptive doctrine, and realize that inaction and isolationism only lead to 9/11's and doesn't prevent them.

Cool News ...

Mychal Massie has an awesome article on the Jena 6 situation and the state of race relations: "Beat 'whitey' - get a reward"

Backyard Conservative has a great article on the hooplah over the story of GOP women voting for Hillary..

Government over-steps the constitution, seizes baby for blood tests...

All American Blogger has some good commentary on the SCHIP program and the Isreali's bombing the Syrian military site..

Dennis Kucinich, who kissed Syria's ass last month, says Bush has mental problems......meanwhile Syria hosts Palestinian terrorists...

Weird: Scientists find oldest living animal and kill it...

Hurricanes: Time Magazine Rebuffed

Remember the Global Warming/Hurricane connection made by Time magazine in 2005?

If you need a reminder, here's the article. You can even go back further to 1999 in this article.

In the article, Time magazine writer Jeffrey Kluger makes a weak argument based on his own observation and some flimsy science that global warming was making hurricanes worse and more frequent.

Of course, Al Gore says the same thing in his piece-of-crap movie An Inconvenient Truth.

A new report from COAPS shows that contrary to the hysterical cries of doom and gloom from global warming advocates, we are in a real downward trend in number of hurricanes and hurricane days.

Hurricane day chart:

So what are we to conclude? If global warming exists, then it must reduce hurricanes!

Monday, October 29, 2007

GI Joe: A Sign of Things to Come?

Our beloved GI Joe, a hard-core U.S. Marine, is about to become a agent of an international pansy-ass military force in a new movie by Paramount.

This is a reflection of the growing pressure on our country from within and without to give up it's sovereignty and lower itself to the rest of the world's standards.

I may not be ready to buy the North American Union conspiracy yet, but I don't doubt that there is an agenda coming from the blue bloods, internationalists, and other Ivy-leaguers to homogenize the governments of the worlds into a sort of world-wide republic.

Anyway, Conservative Pundit posted a link to a great article about how the GI Joe doll came to be and the real Marine (Mitchell Paige) behind the story who helped defend a strategic position on Guadalcanal against 2,200 Japanese.

Not only is it a reminder of how our own military sovereignty is in danger, but also how great our United States Armed Forces are, God Bless 'Em.

Today's News...

Video: French Prez Sarkozy walks out on 60 Minutes interview...can you blame him?

Democrats plan shorter workweek, maybe they should move to France...

Using kids to promote the liberal agenda again: Global warming hysteria...

Middle school birth-control program evidence of criminal activity...

Video:Blind Man shoots intruder-

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Another Reason to Like Mike!

From Accuracy in Media...

Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has seized on an issue―U.S. sovereignty―that could not only win him the Republican nomination for president but propel him into the White House.

The conventional wisdom is that the former Arkansas governor is starting to get traction because of his views on social issues. While that is undoubtedly a factor, it is also the case that Huckabee for several weeks has been hitting hard on the issue of restoring American sovereignty and resisting the advance of United Nations-led global government. Meantime, Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, John McCain, and Mitt Romney have been tiptoeing around the issue....

Huckabee’s success is due, in part, to adopting the Reagan approach to national security matters. As a candidate, Ronald Reagan had established himself with conservative voters by opposing Jimmy Carter’s Panama Canal Treaty and urging the roll-back of Soviet-style communism. As President, of course, Reagan prevailed in the confrontation with the former Soviet Union. But many forget that the Senate ignored his warnings about the Panama Canal giveaway and passed the treaty anyway, with the result being that the communist Chinese today control the ports at both ends of the canal. Our nation should have listened to Reagan earlier and often.

Showing similar vision, Huckabee sees the Law of the Sea Treaty as a massive giveaway of U.S. sovereignty and resources that must be stopped. This was Reagan’s position. Reagan refused to sign it as president.

Read more....

Today's News...

Britons seek alternatives to socialized medicine in record numbers..

Is FEMA the most screwed-up government agency or what? Chertoff is possibly the most inept administrator yet slick politician we have in the Federal government....

War in Iraq: al-Qaida presence reduced in Baghdad...

In case you missed it, President Bush has really made a mess of a couple cases involving immigration...
Protecting a convicted rapist and murderer....
Throwing two Border Patrol agents under the bus...
Petition for the Border Agents...

Gerald Ford: Bill Clinton a Sex Addict

Here's an excerpt from the Daily News article....

Gerald Ford was disturbed by Bill Clinton's skirt-chasing ways - and thought he should check into a sex addiction clinic.

A new book on the late 38th President reveals he had strong views about the Clintons: He thought Hillary wore the pants and that Bill couldn't keep his zipped.

"He's sick - he's got an addiction. He needs treatment," Ford told Daily News Washington Bureau Chief Thomas M. DeFrank, author of "Write It When I'm Gone: Remarkable Off-the-Record Conversations with Gerald R. Ford."

Ford's wife, Betty, who founded a pioneering treatment center after her battle with alcoholism and drugs, agreed.

"You know, there's treatment for that kind of addiction," she told DeFrank during the same conversation in 1999. "A lot of men have gone through the treatment with a lot of success. But he won't do it, because he's in denial."

Wow, I always thought Bill Clinton was a sex addict anyway. There's been enough information out there to support this view, like Bill doing a bunch of chicks during the inauguration parties.

People like Bill, Larry Craig, and other sex addicts think that if they can just get to that next level of accountability, they will be able to stop their self-destructive behavior. They try to offset this behavior with service to their community, religious "good works", and a righteous facade.

Whether a person is liberal or conservative, self-destructive behavior like sex, drug, and alcohol addiction can only be stopped with truth. Admitting you have the problem and ditching the denial is the first step to dealing with it.