Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hurricanes: Time Magazine Rebuffed

Remember the Global Warming/Hurricane connection made by Time magazine in 2005?

If you need a reminder, here's the article. You can even go back further to 1999 in this article.

In the article, Time magazine writer Jeffrey Kluger makes a weak argument based on his own observation and some flimsy science that global warming was making hurricanes worse and more frequent.

Of course, Al Gore says the same thing in his piece-of-crap movie An Inconvenient Truth.

A new report from COAPS shows that contrary to the hysterical cries of doom and gloom from global warming advocates, we are in a real downward trend in number of hurricanes and hurricane days.

Hurricane day chart:

So what are we to conclude? If global warming exists, then it must reduce hurricanes!

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