Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Dick Morris: Huckabee Can Win Iowa

Dick Morris' new column paints a rosy scenario for Mike Huckabee in the upcoming Iowa caucus.

He points out that Mike is trailing only Mitt Romney in Iowa while the rest of the "first-tier" candidates are losing ground. Of course, Romney is pouring millions into his Iowa campaign, while the Huckster is barely raising a million a month.

Huckabee is a consistent conservative and not a Johnny come-lately as Mitt is. Huckabee has great appeal and lacks the "plastic" quality that Romney exudes, and his truly grass-roots campaign is gaining momentum going into the most crucial period of the campaign.

While Mitt and Guiliani are getting some strong endorsements from the political and religious right, Huckabee continues to be the "dark-horse" that keeps surprising the experts.

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