Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Today's News...

Cliff Kincaid at Accuracy In Media examines the Fred Thompson melt-down and the media's role...

Get the straight scoop on the "stem-cell breakthrough" that many conservatives feel could end the embryonic stem-cell controversy...

Huckabee's got the Big Mo' as the Iowa caucus approaches...neck and neck with "Plastic Romney"....

Ethanol to blame? We report, you decide.... "Corn Bin Collapses, Burying Iowa Family"

WARNING! Get some Kleenex before reading the column Michelle Malkin has on the tragedy and subsequent outpouring of love shown to Army Spc. John Austin Johnson and his family...

How bad have the Islamic terrorists infested our government security agencies? WND has the scoop...

Murtha makes me sick to my stomach and is an embarrassment to the military...All American Blogger demonstrates that "once a Marine always a Marine" isn't true in Jack Murtha's case...

One Mom has a good article about the UN's over-hyping of the AIDS crisis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, KGB superspy, the author
of the "White House Special Handbook,or How to
Rule the World in the 21st Century", is the U.S.
president de facto. Since 1996, our presidents,
Bill Clinton and now - George Bush, make top
political decisions based on his instructions.
Big 2008 surprise for Hillary Clinton and others!