Monday, November 26, 2007

Today's News...

Democrats are doing their best to deny the progress being made in Iraq...Governor Bill Richardson says that reduced troop deaths are not an indicator of progress...

In a great illustration of the difference between Republicans and conservatives, Novak continues to represent the blue-blood Republicans in his attack on Mike Huckabee as the "false conservative"...

Meanwhile, Star Parker counters Novak's column in her piece "The Unfair Rap Against Mike Huckabee"..

When will these leftists in Hollywood learn that the rest of the country is not like them...Another anti-Iraq war movie bombs, this time it's "Redacted" by Brian DePalma...

A government program is a government program, it doesn't matter if a Democrat or Republican passes it.. Are you sure you want a health-care program like the one Romney got passed in Massachusetts? All American blogger has the details..

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