Friday, December 28, 2007

Huckabee Rally in Orlando

Republican presidential front-runner Mike Huckabee was in Orlando December 27 at a rally attended by about 200 supporters from central Florida.

One of the highlights of the rally happened before Huckabee's arrival, when Florida state senator Dick Langley, a campaign chairman for Mitt Romney in Lake County, tore off his Romney lapel sticker and replaced it with a Huckabee sticker.

"I wanted a candidate who stood where I stood on the issues," Langley said later. "And I couldn't figure out where Mitt stood."

There was also a pre-event skirmish when a hoard of Ron Paul supporters tried to crash the Huckabee rally. After a confrontation between Huckabee supporters and the Paul supporters, airport security ran off the party crashers and peace and harmony was restored.

Huckabee and his wife Janet arrived later to an energetic crowd and Van Halen's "Right Now" blaring from some speakers. He spoke for about 20 minutes, took some questions from the press, and then hung out for several minutes before leaving on his jet to Destin, FL.

See the only pictures of the Orlando rally here

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