Thursday, June 12, 2008

McCain, ANWR, and the Grand Canyon

John McCain has said he will not let drilling for oil start in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge because of it's pristine beauty: "As far as ANWR is concerned, I don’t want to drill in the Grand Canyon, and I don’t want to drill in the Everglades. This is one of the most pristine and beautiful parts of the world."

The "pristine beauty" part depends on what part of ANWR you are talking about. Pictured below is part of the coastal area that has been reserved for oil drilling. Of course, the environmentalist wackos have successfully blocked our country from drilling there and achieving any kind of energy independence.

The following pictures (from other parts of ANWR) are what environmentalists show the simple-minded people, like John McCain, when trying to convince them of the damage and loss of habitat that will occur when drilling eventually commences in ANWR:

As far as comparisons with the Grand Canyon, ANWR gets under 2,000 visitors annually. Why? "For most of the year, ANWR is unbearably cold and dark. For several weeks, the sun doesn't even rise and leaves the windswept landscape a very inhospitable environment. Only a few hundred people visit ANWR each year."

But the Grand Canyon, pictured below, gets an astounding 5 million visitors annually. I guess that our country's energy independence and national security will have to be set aside so that John McCain and the Marxist environmentalists can have their pristine ANWR that they never will visit.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Arctic ice traps "climate tour" icebreaker

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This is an interesting article about a tour ship for those who want to see the Arctic ice cap before it melts as a result of man-made global warming. Things went awry when the icebreaker tour ship became trapped in the ice that is supposed to be disappearing.

I am on the bridge of the massive Russian icebreaker Kapitan Khlebnikov, and the tension is palpable. We have hit ice - thick ice.

We are travelling from the northeastern corner of Russia, across the Bering Sea and the top of Canada to Resolute Bay in Nunavut. At least that's the plan. We haven't even reached Canadian waters and we are already in trouble.

The ice master studies the mountains of white packed around the ship while the 24,000-horsepower diesel engines work at full throttle to open a path. The ship rises slowly onto the barrier of ice, crushes it and tosses aside blocks the size of small cars as if they were ice cubes in a glass. It creeps ahead a few metres, then comes to a halt, its bow firmly wedged in the ice. After doing this for two days, the ship can go no farther.

The ice master confers with the captain, who makes a call to the engine room. The engines are shut down. He turns to those of us watching the drama unfold, and we are shocked by his words: "Now, only nature can help this ship." We are doomed to drift.

What irony. I am a passenger on one of the most powerful icebreakers in the world, travelling through the Northwest Passage - which is supposed to become almost ice-free in a time of global warming, the next shipping route across the top of the world - and here we are, stuck in the ice, engines shut down, bridge deserted. Only time and tide can free us.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

No apology necessary for Koran shooting

Today, President Bush apologized for an incident in which an American soldier in Iraq used the Koran, the holy book of the Muslims, for target practice.

Although I wouldn't waste a perfectly good bullet on a Koran, for our government to treat the Koran as something sacred when we don't even gaurantee that kind of respect for the Holy Bible is a spectacular display of weakness and political pandering. In some Muslim countries, even those considered to be our allies, our soldiers and citizens are not even allowed to bring a Bible with them.

Writers and cartoonists around the world who have "insulted" Islam have been killed or recieved death threats.

It is truly amazing that in the 6 1/2 years since 9/11 Islam and Muslims have become a special protected class in our country and that this special protection even extends beyond our borders. Islam and the Koran have been elevated by our politicians to a protected status that Christianity and Judaism have never attained. Muslims are given special consideration in airports, schools, and other government run institutions.

Our Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not the politically-correct favoring of one religion over the other. It's time to elect leaders who will honor the Constitution and not a backward, misogynistic, hate-filled religion like Islam.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The truth about "climate change"

On Mike Huckabee's website, Mike asked his readers and bloggers to comment on the following question: Should "climate change" be part of the GOP platform with issues such as less government, lower taxes, a strong national defense and real border security? The following is my response:

The earth has been warming and cooling in natural cycles for thousands of years, long before man ever had a chance to leave a "carbon" footprint.

To think that we are powerful enough to affect the global climate, particularly the temperature, is secularist in philosophy and is a tribute to the sinful man's ego as he tries to put himself on par with Almighty God, the maker of the sun, which drives temperature change, and the earth, that receives the sun's energy.

Stopping a hurricane or a volcanic eruption would be easier than trying raise or lower the temperature of the earth an iota.

I normally do not voice my Christian views in these political forums, but this issue of the climate boils down not to just political posturing, but also to very nature of man and the Creation.

The Bible is replete with examples of the Lord controlling the weather, using it to save His people, destroy His enemies, punish a wayward people, bring blessings to his faithful servants, or to demonstrate His awesome power, such as when the Lord spoke to Elijah as he hid in a cave.

When Jesus calmed the storm that frightened his disciples in their small boat, He demonstrated again that it is not man who influences the earth's weather, but it is under Almighty God's control.

Liberals, particularly socialists and Marxists, have been trying to supplant God with humanism. Man-made "climate change" is a part of that philosophy, as they indoctrinate our children in school and adults through the media with their secular "alternative" to God.

After all, if humans can control the earth's climate, then what can't they control? The liberals will have built their own environmental Tower of Babel, and unfortunately will have suckered many God-fearing people into their illusion that man has the power to affect the environment.

Add to this the political and economic implications, which we are just beginning to see with high food and energy prices, and we will have an even worse mess later if we do not get the government out of the subsidy, tariff, energy, and weather business.

In short, man has not changed the earth's temperature one bit, and to base government policy on a philosophy so short on science and out of harmony with God's laws will only lead to further ruin of our great country.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Unstoppable solar cycles

This video is absolutely brilliant and should be seen by every person in America.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Scientist: Forget Global Warming, Prepare for New Ice Age

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Sunspot activity has not resumed up after hitting an 11-year low in March last year, raising fears that — far from warming — the globe is about to return to an Ice Age, says an Australian-American scientist.

Physicist Phil Chapman, the first native-born Australian to become an astronaut with NASA [he became an American citizen to join up, though he never went into space], said pictures from the U.S. Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) showed no spots on the sun.

He said the world cooled quickly between January last year and January this year, by about 0.7 degrees Centigrade.

"This is the fastest temperature change in the instrumental record, and it puts us back to where we were in 1930," Chapman wrote in The Australian Wednesday. "If the temperature does not soon recover, we will have to conclude that global warming is over."

[Critics quickly pointed out that Chapman may have been "cherry-picking" the data. A strong La Nina formation in the Pacific pushed down January temperatures over much of the Northern Hemisphere from where they had been a year earlier, but average global temperatures are still much higher than the 20th-century average, and the NOAA said last week that last month was the warmest March on record.]

The Bureau of Meteorology says temperatures in Australia have been warmer than the 1960-90 average since the late 1970s, barring a couple of cooler years, and are now 0.3 degrees Centigrade higher than the long-term average.

A sunspot is a region on the sun that is cooler than the rest and appears dark.

An alternative theory of global warming is that a strong solar magnetic field, when there is plenty of sunspot activity, protects the Earth from cosmic rays, cutting cloud formation, but that when the field is weak — during low sunspot activity — the rays can penetrate into the lower atmosphere and cloud cover increases, cooling the surface.

But scientists from the U.S. National Centre for Atmospheric Research in Bolder, Colorado published a report in 2006 that showed the sun had a negligible effect on climate change.

The researchers wrote in the journal Nature that the sun's brightness varied by only 0.07 percent over 11-year sunspot cycles, and that that was far too little to account for the rise in temperatures since the Industrial Revolution.

Chapman proposes preventive, or delaying, moves to slow the cooling, such as bulldozing Siberian and Canadian snow to make it dirty and less reflective.

"My guess is that the odds are now at least 50:50 that we will see significant cooling rather than warming in coming decades," he writes.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Hurricane expert reconsiders global warming's impact

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Editor's note: As you read this article, you willl notice how vague and contradictory many of the scientists statements are.

For instance: "The take-home message is that we've got a lot of work to do," Emanuel said. "There's still a lot of uncertainty in this problem. The bulk of the evidence is that hurricane power will go up, but in some places it will go down."

It reminds me of a psychic who once told the police that they would find a missing child "either alive or dead in a wet or dry place". To build economic and political policies based on such bad science as global warming alarmism is dangerous for not only our country, but the rest of the world as well.

Houston- One of the most influential scientists behind the theory that global warming has intensified recent hurricane activity says he will reconsider his stand.

The hurricane expert, Kerry Emanuel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, unveiled a novel technique for predicting future hurricane activity this week. The new work suggests that, even in a dramatically warming world, hurricane frequency and intensity may not substantially rise during the next two centuries.

The research, appearing in the March issue of Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, is all the more remarkable coming from Emanuel, a highly visible leader in his field and long an ardent proponent of a link between global warming and much stronger hurricanes.

His changing views could influence other scientists.

"The results surprised me," Emanuel said of his work, adding that global warming may still play a role in raising the intensity of hurricanes. What that role is, however, remains far from certain.

Emanuel's work uses a new method of computer modeling that did a reasonable job of simulating past hurricane fluctuations. He, therefore, believes the models may have predictive value for future activity.

During and after the 2004 and 2005 hurricane seasons, which were replete with mega-storms and U.S. landfalls, scientists dived into the question of whether rising ocean temperatures, attributed primarily to global warming, were causing stronger storms.

Among the first to publish was Emanuel, who — just three weeks before Hurricane Katrina's landfall — published a paper in Nature that concluded a key measurement of the power dissipated by a storm during its lifetime had risen dramatically since the mid-1970s.

In the future, he argued, incredibly active hurricane years such as 2005 would become the norm rather than flukes.

Other factors likely
This view, amplified by environmentalists and others concerned about global warming, helped establish in the public's mind that "super" hurricanes were one of climate change's most critical threats. A satellite image of a hurricane emanating from a smokestack featured prominently in promotions for Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth.

"Kerry had the good fortune, or maybe the bad fortune, to publish when the world's attention was focused on hurricanes in 2005," Roger Pielke Jr., who studies science and policy at the University of Colorado, said of Emanuel. "Kerry's work was seized upon in the debate."

After the 2005 hurricane season, a series of other papers were published that appeared to show, among other things, that the most intense hurricanes were becoming more frequent.

What has not been as broadly disseminated, say Pielke and some hurricane scientists, is that other research papers have emerged that suggest global warming has yet to leave an imprint on hurricane activity. One of them, published late last year in Nature, found that warming seas may not increase hurricane intensity.

That paper's co-author, Gabriel Vecchi, a research scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said Emanuel's new work highlights the great uncertainty that remains in hurricane science.

"While his results don't rule out the possibility that global warming has contributed to the recent increase in activity in the Atlantic, they suggest that other factors — possibly in addition to global warming — are likely to have been substantial contributors to the observed increase in activity," Vecchi said.

Scientists wrangling with the hurricane-global warming question have faced two primary difficulties. The first is that the hurricane record before 1970 is not entirely reliable, making it nearly impossible to assess with precision whether hurricane activity has increased during the last century.

The second problem comes through the use of computer models to predict hurricane activity. Most climate models, which simulate global atmospheric conditions for centuries to come, cannot detect individual tropical systems.

Emanuel's new research attempts to get around that by inserting "seeds" of tropical systems throughout the climate models and seeing which develop into tropical storms and hurricanes. The "seeds," bits of computer code, tend to develop when simulated atmospheric conditions, such as low wind shear, are ripe for hurricane formation.

'A lot of work to do'
In the new paper, Emanuel and his co-authors project activity nearly two centuries hence, finding an overall drop in the number of hurricanes around the world, while the intensity of storms in some regions does rise.

For example, with Atlantic hurricanes, two of the seven model simulations Emanuel ran suggested that the overall intensity of storms would decline. Five models suggested a modest increase.

"The take-home message is that we've got a lot of work to do," Emanuel said. "There's still a lot of uncertainty in this problem. The bulk of the evidence is that hurricane power will go up, but in some places it will go down."

The issue probably will not be resolved until better computer models are developed, said Judith Curry, of the Georgia Institute of Technology, a leading hurricane and climate scholar.

By publishing his new paper, and by the virtue of his high profile, Emanuel could be a catalyst for further agreement in the field of hurricanes and global warming, Curry said.

The generally emerging view, she said, seems to be that global warming may cause some increase in intensity, that this increase will develop slowly over time, and that it likely will lead to a few more Category 4 and Category 5 storms. How many? When? No one yet knows.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Gun group endorses Obama

A gun group announced the endorsement Wednesday of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, defending him against attacks on the Illinois senator's stance on the Second Amendment.

The American Hunters and Shooters Association (ASHA) was formed two years ago as an organization that would protect the gun rights of gun owners and one that is committed to the protection of the community and the land.

"Senator Obama has clearly demonstrated his commitment to the 2nd Amendment by his vote in support of the Vitter amendment to HR 5441, the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill of 2007. This amendment prevents the Government from confiscating guns in a time of crisis or emergency," AHSA President Ray Schoenke said in a statement.

He noted that recent criticism of Obama as elitist is "patently ridiculous." "To hunters and shooters everywhere, Senator Obama's vote demonstrated a fundamental understanding of the meaning of the 2nd Amendment which means he recognizes the individual right of all citizens to keep and bear arms. Senator Clinton, on the hand, failed to grasp the importance of this critical issue to hunters and shooters and voted against this Amendment. She turned her back on America's gun owners," Schoenke added.

He also said Obama has demonstrated his commitment to conservation and protection of natural resources and access to public lands.

Former US president Jimmy Carter betrays victims of terrorism

source for this story

Jimmy Carter, the former US president, visited the West Bank in Israel today and met with leaders of Hamas, a terrorist organization that is responsible for hundreds of deaths and is devoted to wiping out Israel as a country. Carter also visited the grave of terrorist Yasser Arafat and laid a wreath at his gravesite.

Carter did all this against the wishes of Israel and the US State Department. His involvement in having talks with a known terrorist organization that is currently fighting other Muslims for control of Palestine is beyond reproach and is a slap in the face to the victims of Hamas and their families. To this day, Hamas routinely fires rocket mortars into Israel in an attempt to extort more concessions from the Israeli government.

Hamas official policy towards Israel is this: "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors." Obviously, there are no conditions under which Hamas will abandon it's Jihad (struggle) against Israel, including a face-to-face with Carter. Hamas is financed by dozens of countries and Muslim charities all over the world, including millions of dollars from Muslims inside the United States.

The organization's first mass attack was a car bomb that blew up at a bus stop in Afula in April 1994, murdering 8 and wounding 51. Among the most horrific Hamas attacks were the following:

* 22 people killed and 56 wounded in a suicide bombing attack on the No. 5 bus on Dizengoff St. in Tel Aviv, Oct. 1994
* 26 killed by suicide bomber on a #18 bus near the Jerusalem Central Bus Station, Feb. 1996
* 16 killed in the Mahane Yehuda open market in Jerusalem in a double suicide attack, July 1997
* 23 dead and 115 wounded when a Hamas suicide bomber blew himself up on a No. 2 bus line coming from the Western Wall
in Jerusalem, August 2003
* 45 murdered within the space of five days in March 2002: a suicide Hamas terrorist blew himself up in a Haifa restaurant,
killing 15, and another one did the same in the Park Hotel in in Netanya during a Passover Seder, murdering some 30 and
wounding 144.

The ten worst Oslo War Hamas attacks, in which a total of 186 were murdered, also included the following:
* June 1, 2001 - Dolphinarium in Tel Aviv, 21 killed - mostly new-immigrant teenagers from the former Soviet Union
* Aug. 9, 2001 - Sbarro's Pizzeria in Jerusalem, 15 killed, including the parents and three children of the Schijveschuurder family
* Dec. 2, 2001 - Haifa bus, 15 killed
* May 7, 2002 - Rishon Letzion hall, 16 killed
* June 18, 2002 - #32 bus from Gilo, Jerusalem, 19 killed
* March 5, 2003 - #37 bus in Haifa, 15 dead
* June 11, 2003 - #14 bus, Jerusalem, 17 murdered
click here for a full list of Hamas terrorist attacks

Jimmy Carter was an embarrassment as a US president, and is now an embarassment as he tries to build a legacy by reconciling the Palestinian/Israeli divide. The State Department should revoke his passport for giving aid and comfort to the enemy and refuse his re-entry into the United States

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Marines help rebuild Islamic schools in Bangladesh

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Four months after deadly storms struck Bangladesh, 40 Marines and sailors with 1st Engineer Platoon, Fuel Company, 9th Engineer Support Battalion, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, continued relief efforts alongside 100 Bangladesh Army and Navy service members by rebuilding two schools March 6 – 30.

The construction project was part of the III Marine Expeditionary Force Bangladesh Interoperability Program, a joint effort focused on helping Bangladeshi communities rebuild from the storm that killed an estimated 3,500 people and caused an estimated $450 million in damage.

The platoon was assign to the town of Mongla in the southwest corner of Bangladesh. In January, an advanced party of Marines was sent to survey the conditions of two Islamic schools, known as Madrasahs, which were identified for repair. The team found little to survey.

“The buildings were gone,” said Gunnery Sgt. David Dickens, platoon sergeant. “They were destroyed. So basically it was just two open lots.”

The engineers immediately went to work designing two new schools from the ground up. Instead of using their standard construction templates, the 9th ESB Marines modified the design to ensure the buildings could be maintained with materials readily available in Bangladesh after they left. They decided on using tin for the roofs and bamboo sheathing for walls instead of the plywood and shingles more common in Western construction.

Building the schools with unconventional materials required the assistance of a Bangladesh Army engineer platoon who worked alongside the U.S. service members.

“As Americans we don’t do a lot of tin roofing any more,” Dickens said. “We had to lean on the expertise of the Bangladesh Army for that.”

Members of the Bangladesh Navy provided security during the project.

Some platoon members found working with the Bangladeshi soldiers difficult at first due to the language barrier as communications were often reduced to hand signals.

“We were basically playing charades in order to construct a building,” said Cpl. Michael Spivey, a squad leader for the platoon.

Over time, both parties began to pick up on the other’s language, making communication smoother. A common phrase emerged as a constant on the job site - “Shu•muh•sha•ne”, a Bangladeshi phrase meaning “no problem”.

“That was the motto of the mission. Any time there was a debate over a problem it always ended with ‘Shu•muh•sha•ne,’ we’ll figure it out,” Dickens said.

The appreciation of the townspeople was evident each day as the Marines drove through town on their way to the construction site, said squad leader Cpl. Amanda Wilson.

“They were really, really grateful and excited when we came by,” she said. “They stood on the side of the streets just waving as we passed. I’ve always wanted to do something for a country like that, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

Dickens shared the sentiment. “It’s probably one of the best projects I’ve ever done in my 16 years in the Marine Corps,” he said.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Evolutionists surprised....AGAIN!

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Editor's note: Evolutionists are always being "surprised" and "amazed" and "having to rethink how we evolved" whenever they discover something new in their field of study. Yet, those who believe in creation and Intelligent Design are mocked as ignorant simpletons, with many scientists, teachers and professors being fired for their belief that God was behind the amazing universe we call home.
In the following article, the evolutionists admit that they were wrong about how they structured the "animal tree of life". While creationists never have to revamp their belief system, evolutionists are constantly finding evidence contrary to their current theories and revamping their system to fit the new "evidence". But never call Darwinism and evolution a "theory", you might lose your job or get a failing grade from your science teacher.

find a theater showing "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed"

From Earth's first animal was the ocean-drifting comb jelly, not the simple sponge, according to a new find that has shocked scientists who didn't imagine the earliest critter could be so complex.
The mystery of the first animal denizen of the planet can only be inferred from fossils and by studying related animals today. To get to the bottom of that, scientists analyzed massive volumes of genetic data to define the earliest splits at the base of the animal tree of life.
The tree of life is a hierarchy of evolutionary relationships among species that shows which groups split off on their own evolutionary path first.
The new study surprisingly found that the comb jelly was the first animal to diverge from the base of the tree, not the less complex sponge, which had previously been given the honor.
"This was a complete shocker," said study team member Casey Dunn of Brown University in Rhode Island. "So shocking that we initially thought something had gone very wrong."

Dunn's team checked and re-checked their results and came up with the same result every time: the comb jelly came first. The results are detailed in the April 10 issue of the journal Nature, a journal that, like most respected journals, requires other scientists review a paper prior to publication.
Unlike sponges, comb jellies have connective tissues and a nervous system, and so are more complex. Though squishy and tentacled, they are not, however, true jellyfish as they lack the classic bell-shaped body and characteristic stinging cells.
The finding was unexpected because evolutionary biologists had thought that less complex animals split off and evolved separately first. Dunn says that two evolutionary scenarios can explain why the comb jellies would actually have been first among animals. The first is that the comb jelly evolved its complexity independent of other animals after branching off to forge its own path.
The second is that the sponge evolved its simpler form from the more complex form. This second possibility underscores the fact that "evolution is not necessarily just a march towards increased complexity," Dunn said.
Though scientists can say which animal branched off first, they can't date precisely when this early comb jelly diverged away. "Unfortunately, we don't have fossils of the oldest comb jelly," Dunn said. "Therefore, there is no way to date the earliest jelly and determine when it diverged."
Though comb jellies are a common creature in the seas today, these modern specimens likely look very different from their early ancestors.
Dunn and his team hope that their approach will fill other gaps in the tree of life, including where the branches of many of today's species belong.
Other researchers involved in the study, funded by the National Science Foundation: Gonzalo Giribet of Harvard University, Mark Martindale of the University of Hawaii and Ward Wheeler of the American Museum of Natural History.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Movie "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed"

Ben Stein's movie "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" chronicles the Stalinist-type persecution that teachers in academia have experienced for not believing the Darwinist theory of evolution. These teachers dare to believe in creation and Intelligent Design.

The movie opens April 18, be sure to be there and support conservative values.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"Race"ing to the White House in 2008

The most deeply ingrained human flaw is racism, and it is on full display this week in the Democrat Party. The intramural race war that has been brewing in the left wing of American politics is finally an open conflagration exposing the hypocrisy of the liberal mindset.

As white liberals were trying to assuage their guilt by seeking absolution from the new messiah of the left, Barack Obama, the masters of the Democrat plantation were busy changing the locks on the doors of the mansion.

The timing of Geraldine Ferraro's remarks on Obama's lack of substance and being the recipient of political affirmative action nicely coincided with the surfacing of videos in which Obama's pastor goes into a series of anti-American rants complete with the paranoid conspiracy theories that pass as left-wing intellectualism. As Ferraro fell on her political sword, handily provided by Hillary herself, Obama was forced to "denounce", in relative terms, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Obama's effort to heal the racial divide in America started out with an attack on the founding fathers, the Constitution, the conservatives, and even a dead guy who couldn't speak up for himself, Ronald Reagan. He explained the anger smoldering under the brush in the black community, a rage that white America doesn't see because it manifests itself in the barber shops and churches of the black community.

He used the classical liberal ploys of generalizing groups of people as victims instead of seeing them as individuals, speaking of the "black experience", saying that the white guys will vote for McCain, and drumming up class envy among his followers by attacking corporate America.

Saying that there is a black experience is like saying that there is a white experience. Is the white experience defined by the experience of a boy raised in the Appalachians, or is it the experience of a girl raised in southern California? Maybe it's the experience of a Pearl Harbor survivor, or a lobster fishermen in Maine, or a steel worker in New Orleans.

And I can guarantee you that I am one white guy who won't be voting for McCain.

Corporate America has done more for lower to middle class Americans than any liberal Democrat entitlement program ever has. By providing jobs and low-cost goods, Walmart has raised the standard of living for millions of people despite the sabotage of liberals in government. Drug companies have developed life-saving medications, extending the lives of even the poorest; computer giants have made education more accessible than ever; and car companies have made cars that last longer, are more reliable and made financing them easier than ever. Mortgage companies made credit easier to attain and gave millions of high-risk individuals a chance to build equity and wealth through home ownership and break the cycle of poverty that they grew up in.

Obama wasn't building bridges in his speech Tuesday, he was rallying his liberal base by digging an even deeper and wider gulf between the two Americas. By poking at the raw nerve of racial tension, he elevated himself into the pantheon of black leaders in America, but did not make himself an American leader.

Obama's speech will remind his supporters that liberals judge them not by the "content of their character", but by the color of their skin. Prejudices lying dormant in the hysteria of Obama-mania will surface once again, which gives the Democrats the perpetual victims they need to prop up as evidence that America is still stuck in the 20th century.

And Hillary will be laughing all the way to the White House.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Christianity, the Constitution, and Capitalism

As our nation stands at the political crossroads of the 2008 election and a looming economic crisis, it is a good time to examine the bedrock principles upon which our country was founded and gather from them guidance for the future.

The three pillars which have supported our country from the beginning are Christianity, capitalism, and the Constitution, with Christianity being the center pillar that strengthened the other two.

In order to govern men (we'll use "men" in the Biblical sense of "all mankind") the political structure must be based on an understanding of the true nature of man and govern accordingly. Only the Christian faith declares the true nature of man to be fallen in sin and in need of salvation.

The structure of society, primarily the family and government, was ordained by God to curb that fallen nature through the discipline, education, and the threat and imposition of punishment, ranging from the rebuke of a loving parent to the deadly force of lawful authority.

The founding fathers were devout men of different denominations who held in common the basic precepts of the Christian faith. In declaring our independence from Britain and in the writing of our Constitution, they incorporated the truths found in Christianity to form the more perfect union. They recognized that the natural rights of all men, regardless of race or creed, were granted by God and that it was the obligation and duty of government to protect those rights.

Understanding that the government is as weak and imperfect as the men who run it, they incorporated into the Constitution the means of restraining and dividing federal power, protected the citizenry by empowering them to choose and replace their elected officials, and ensured through the Bill of Rights that they would have the means to expose and overthrow the government if it became tyrannical and broke faith with the people it governed.

Our capitalistic free-market system of economics also owes it's success to the Christian world-view.

All men inherently try to get the most they can with the least expenditure of work possible. Capitalism takes advantage of these two weaknesses, greed and sloth, to create a competition based economy that rewards hard work and diligence and punishes laziness.

People who want more "stuff" and discipline themselves to work hard and provide more or better products and services are rewarded with capital, while persons who have less or no ambition and are not willing to expend themselves in hard labor are punished with lower wages and a lower standard of living. Since a free-market capitalistic economy is not a zero-sum game, there is ample economic opportunity for everyone who is willing to do the hard work necessary to succeed. This opportunity has encouraged millions of people to leave their homeland and emigrate to the United States, bringing with them their desire to work and flourish as individuals and families.

In short, capitalism is the perfect economic system for imperfect men.

As time has gone on, however, all three pillars of our nation have been attacked and eroded by liberalism and secularism.

The family, which has been the stabilizing force throughout human history, is being attacked by the nanny-state Federal government, abortionists, and gay rights activists. As "separation of church and state" and Marxism maliciously found it's way into our government structure, the government began infringing on our God-given rights and replaced individualism and industriousness with entitlement programs and restrictions on freedom of speech, religion, and the right to bear arms.

Government regulation, excessive taxation, and environmental socialism has burdened our free-market capitalism to the point that we now are a quasi-fascist state. Hard work, diligence and achievement are punished while over half our population (that either can't or won't provide for themselves), is now supported by the minority through government hand-outs.

A society that ignores and impugns truth cannot survive indefinitely. As communist Russia collapsed of it's own immorality, so too will America collapse as it continues to replace God with State and disregard the values that made this country the greatest enterprise in freedom and liberty known to man.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Monica Lewinsky: Next Secretary of State?

Recently, Hillary Clinton has gotten a lot of attention for her "red phone" advertisement, in which she implies that if the "red phone" rang, she has the lifetime of experience to handle that responsibility.

She mocks Obama's lack of such experience and previews the potential downside in a debate with McCain.
  Here's a short clip of her schtick:


But what does Hillary's lifetime of experience really amount to? Basically her main qualification that she be the next president is that she has spent the last 30 years riding Bill's coattails and "being there" in the White House for eight years.

Since being the wife of the president is Hillary's main qualification to be the next president, then wouldn't Monica Lewinsky then be qualified to be the next Secretary of State? After all, she was by his side in the Oval Office as he conducted the serious business of running our country and it's foreign and domestic "affairs", to use the term loosely.

But in reality, Monica is probably owed a large debt of gratitude by the American public. She kept Bill so busy that he couldn't really meddle in the affairs of governance and public policy, thus keeping his hands off our economy both literally and figuratively.

With Bill distracted by his sexual exploits and resulting scandal, the last years of his presidency were remarkably "unremarkable", producing very few foreign and domestic accomplishments.

As conservatives know, a grid-locked government is the second best thing that can happen to an economy, and there was a mini-boom in Bill Clinton's last term. For her service to our country, Lewinsky should at the least receive the Medal of Freedom.

Or maybe she could serve as Treasury Secretary in the next administration in keeping with her penchant for economic policy and growth.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Illegal alien crashes into bus, kills four school kids

The woman pictured on the left is an illegal alien that killed four school kids when her van crashed into their school bus Tuesday, Feb. 19.

She gave her name as Aliannis Morales, but the police say that is not her real name.

The accident occurred in Cottonwood, Minnesota when "Morales" ran a stop sign on her way to work. Her van crashed into the Lakeview school bus, killing four students and sending several students to area hospitals.

"Morales" had been working at Norcraft Cabinetry for a month before the crash. She told authorities through an interpreter that she is from Mexico.

Killed in the crash were two brothers, Hunter and Jesse Javens, ages 9 and 13, and Emily Olson, 9, and Reed Stevens, 12.

Why do we have illegal aliens killing American citizens on our roads and in other crimes on a daily basis?

The answer is that the US government has not enforced the laws controlling immigration into the country.

While the Bush Administration is busy putting US Border Patrol agents in jail for doing their job, thousands of illegal aliens like "Morales" cross our borders every day. Some are criminals and gang members, some are drug smugglers, while others are poor Mexicans and other nationals looking for better paying jobs.

While the legal citizens of the United States try to cope with the damage done to their communities and families by illegal aliens, Congress has been trying to give the illegal aliens amnesty in an effort to get more voters for their political parties. Senators Clinton, Obama, and McCain, all running for president, have voted in favor of amnesty for these criminals.

Another problem with our poor border control is that Islamic terrorists could come across the border by mixing in with the other aliens and pose an even greater danger to our national security.

The answer to the illegal immigration problem is simple. We need to build a fence across our southern border with Mexico, increase the number of Border patrol agents, and punish employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens, like the cabinet shop owner who employed "Morales". As illegal aliens are detected by the police, they should be arrested and deported along with their families back to their country of origin.

There should also be a guest worker program instituted that would let people in other countries like Mexico register for jobs and then come to work here legally. Such a program does not need to be run by the US government. There are plenty of employment agencies that could arrange such a program and administer it without increasing the size of our already bloated Federal government.

Only by making some hard political choices are the American people going to solve this illegal immigration problem. One of those choices has to defeating liberal presidential candidates like Clinton, Obama, and McCain.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Un-American Candidate

A lot of attention was paid to the photo on the left of Barack Obama "forgetting" to put his hand over his heart during the national anthem during a campaign event.

Not being one who looks for a conspiracy behind every fault, I didn't find it alarming and gave Mr. Obama the benefit of the doubt that he was probably nervous or distracted at the moment.

And when Mr. Obama said that he didn't wear a U.S. flag pin on his lapel because it wasn't necessary to prove one's patriotism, I again gave him the benefit of the doubt.

But I can't give him that benefit anymore.

During a campaign stop in Milwaukee his wife, Michelle Obama, said: “People in this country are ready for change and hungry for a different kind of politics and … for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.”

Michelle Obama is only now "proud of her country"?

America is the country that advances freedom, liberty, and economic opportunity to the rest of the world.

America is the country that has freed hundreds of millions of people from Fascists, Nazis, Taliban, vicious dictators, malaria, AIDS, starvation, communism, Marxism, and slavery worldwide without asking for anything back.

America is the country that has willingly sacrificed the lives of hundreds of thousands of our best and bravest young men and women to help people of all religions, ethnic, and racial origins free themselves of tyranny without asking for anything back.

America is the country where Barack and Michelle Obama have lived the American dream. They are proof that in America "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" aren't just words on a paper but the essence of the American culture and way of life.

The Obama campaign has tried to deflect criticism of Michelle's comments with the usual political spin, but it rings hollow when you look at the track record of this couple.

The most alarming thing about this election cycle is not the lack of qualified candidates, but the willingness of the American public to support and elect people who loathe the country and the Constitution that gives them this opportunity to achieve the highest political office in the world.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The New Climate Trend: Global Cooling

A few months ago, it was quietly reported in the media that in actuality the earth had stopped warming in the late 1990's and that the earth had maintained the same temperature ever since.

Now scientists who study the cycles of solar activity are telling us that the earth is probably going to enter a cooling phase that might last for over a century.

Here's a couple of excerpts from Investors Business Daily:

Kenneth Tapping, a solar researcher and project director for Canada's National Research Council, is among those looking at the sun for evidence of an increase in sunspot activity.
Solar activity fluctuates in an 11-year cycle. But so far in this cycle, the sun has been disturbingly quiet. The lack of increased activity could signal the beginning of what is known as a Maunder Minimum, an event which occurs every couple of centuries and can last as long as a century.
Such an event occurred in the 17th century. The observation of sunspots showed extraordinarily low levels of magnetism on the sun, with little or no 11-year cycle.
This solar hibernation corresponded with a period of bitter cold that began around 1650 and lasted, with intermittent spikes of warming, until 1715. Frigid winters and cold summers during that period led to massive crop failures, famine and death in Northern Europe.

Contrary to the claims of the global warming alarmists, scientists are finding no connection between increased CO2 in the atmosphere and global warming. Here's another excerpt from the same article:

As we have noted many times, perhaps the biggest impact on the Earth's climate over time has been the sun.
For instance, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Solar Research in Germany report the sun has been burning more brightly over the last 60 years, accounting for the 1 degree Celsius increase in Earth's temperature over the last 100 years.
R. Timothy Patterson, professor of geology and director of the Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Center of Canada's Carleton University, says that "CO2 variations show little correlation with our planet's climate on long, medium and even short time scales."
Rather, he says, "I and the first-class scientists I work with are consistently finding excellent correlations between the regular fluctuations of the sun and earthly climate. This is not surprising. The sun and the stars are the ultimate source of energy on this planet."
Patterson, sharing Tapping's concern, says: "Solar scientists predict that, by 2020, the sun will be starting into its weakest Schwabe cycle of the past two centuries, likely leading to unusually cool conditions on Earth."
"Solar activity has overpowered any effect that CO2 has had before, and it most likely will again," Patterson says. "If we were to have even a medium-sized solar minimum, we could be looking at a lot more bad effects than 'global warming' would have had."

The evidence is growing that the earth's warming and cooling cycles are driven by solar activity, not by human activity such as burning fossil fuels.

Global warming activists are only using the issue of climate change to change human behavior, not to save the earth. Their goal is to suppress free-market capitalism and industry, cripple the United States economy, and grow government by introducing laws that tell us what kind of light bulbs to use, what kind of cars to drive, and how many children families should have.

Such laws and regulations not only result in less individual freedom and liberty, but also threaten the American way of life and it's culture.

Friday, February 1, 2008

What's splitting the Reagan coalition?

How is it that a successful conservative governor who wants to eliminate the IRS, defend the sanctity of life and marriage, appoint judges like Scalia and Roberts, and fight Islamic fascism to the finish is running third in the Republican primaries?

Answer: Since mid-November of 2007, there has been a push by the conservative "new media" to destroy the Republican opponents of Mitt Romney.

The dominant conservative publication The National Review had set the tone for this by endorsing Mitt Romney. Around the same time, Rush Limbaugh was visiting his idol from childhood, William Buckley, the founder of The National Review and considered by many to be the founder of the modern conservative movement.
Within days, Rush Limbaugh and other "conservative" talk show hosts and columnists were excoriating Huckabee.

Instead of offering an honest analysis of Huckabee's political career, they sought to portray him as a hayseed born-againer who loved raising taxes and wanted to bring about an Orwellian Big Brother state.

In the meantime, Romney decided to go negative against Huckabee in Iowa, where Huckabee had grabbed the lead. Romney's attack ads were a blatantly dishonest attempt to portray Huckabee as a crime loving tax-raiser, and, coupled with the constant barrage of misinformation from the talk shows, alienated a core constituent group of social conservatives who correctly recognized the attacks on Huckabee as a slam against themselves and their values.

The rift that is now splitting the conservatives will not be healed during this election process. The Christian right and the FairTax activists now see that they are welcome just as long as they go along with the Republican establishment. To think that someone like Huckabee who represents these groups should be president is considered heresy by the elitists who want to control the nomination process.

The secular elitists who enjoy the posh lifestyle and rubbing elbows with political snobs are embarrassed that grass-roots activists like conservative Christians and FairTaxers are in their tent and are succeeding in driving them out, ensuring that a liberal, be it Romney, McCain, Clinton, or Obama will be in the White House next year.

Today's News...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Today's News...

Cost of Romney's Mass. Health-care Plan Skyrocketing

According to recent reports, the cost of Massachusetts' health insurance mandate will rise 85 percent, or $400 million, in 2009. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R), meanwhile, has been on the presidential campaign trail praising the program he put into place.

According to The Boston Globe, the cost increase is largely due to an increase in the number of people signing up for state-subsidized health insurance. State and federal taxpayers are likely to shoulder the cost increase.

"Essentially, the people who signed up under the mandate were the people who were getting subsidies," said Michael Tanner, director of health and welfare studies at the libertarian Cato Institute.

Carmen Balber, a consumer advocate at Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, added, "What we've seen happen in Massachusetts is that lots of people are signing up for subsidized care," although "just 7 to 8 percent of the people who have newly signed up for health insurance have enrolled in a program they must pay full price for."

Tanner told Cybercast News Service that the state will likely need to raise taxes to cover the additional costs.

Romney, however, has been campaigning on the health insurance plan as a success.

"We put in place a plan that gets every citizen in our state health insurance, and it didn't cost us new money," he said during the Republican debate in New Hampshire on Jan. 5. "It didn't require us to raise taxes."

Mitt Romney likes to brag that he got universal coverage in Massachusetts without a tax increase," said Tanner. "I don't think that's going to be true for long."
Click here for full story...

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Truth About The Economic Stimulus Package

What a way to buy votes.

With the threat of a recession looming in the near future, President Bush and Congress agreed to an economic stimulus package of "tax rebates" for lower to middle class households.

People eligible would get anywhere from $300-$1200 in the hope that they will spend the money and restore the lost momentum in the U.S. economy.

The $150 billion package would also give businesses $50 billion in tax incentives.

The normally super-slow federal government displayed tremendous speed in developing this package, which proves that when it comes to buying votes, both parties can spend recklessly and without regard for sound economic principles.

Many of the recipients do not pay taxes, so to call it a "tax rebate" is foolish. It is really a welfare check.

No word yet on where the money for this package comes from.

It would have been better to just tell everyone that does pay taxes to deduct the allotted rebate from their next payment to the IRS, but that wouldn't buy as many votes for either party.

Better yet, the best way to stimulate the economy would be to pass H.R. 25, also known as the FairTax. The FairTax would unleash the economic power of individuals, small businesses, and large corporations.

With the FairTax, every person with a job or business pays no income tax, so they get a full paycheck instead of having deductions taken from their pay and sent to the government agencies like the IRS and Social Security Administration.

The income tax is then replaced with a national sales tax of about 23%, which replaces the embedded taxes that are found in every product or service.

The result is that the prices of products and services remains virtually unchanged while reducing the size of government, getting the IRS out of our lives, and giving the poorest of Americans a real economic boost.

Today's News...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Do we need another Reagan?

The folly of the Republican establishment in looking for a Ronald Reagan clone borders on cultism.

Reagan was a fine man who led the conservative movement to prominence, not a Reagan movement.

But the Republican establishment and elitists have determined that the only way for the conservative movement to make progress is to have a Reagan clone as the presidential nominee.

Would we want a Reagan clone today? No way!

Reagan turned tail and ran when the terrorists struck in Beirut on Oct. 23, 1983, killing 241 American soldiers. His lack of backbone in this situation became the default policy on terrorism until we were struck on 9/11.

In 1986, Reagan signed into law the Immigration Reform and Control Act, also known as Simpson-Mizzoli. This law gave amnesty to millions of illegal aliens and laid the groundwork for the invasion of our country by millions more that has happened since.

Reagan was great at battling liberalism and Communism, but his national security policies made America a soft target, and we are paying a heavy price for that today.

The Reagan purists of today slam Mike Huckabee because he's not Reaganesque. I say that's fine with me.

We need a conservative leader who can bring solutions for the problems we face in 2008, not 1980.

That leader is Mike Huckabee.

Today's News...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Florida teen's story touched Huckabee

from the Union Leader

Connie and Sarah Davis are with the bandwagon.

In town for a whirlwind weekend with their candidate of choice, the mother-daughter duo from Ormond Beach, Fla., found themselves screaming like a pair of political primary groupies Friday, watching as Republican Mike Huckabee rocked the campaign trail in Henniker.

"It was really cool," said Connie Davis. "I think they were playing 'Freebird,' or some Journey song. Anyway, at the end, Governor Huckabee was playing with the band and people were rushing the stage, and he looked over at us and nodded. He thanked us for coming."

Then the two tourists were whisked backstage to hang out with Huckabee and his roundhouse of roadies - most notably Chuck Norris and his wife, Gena.

"Oh, and a crew from 'Nightline' was interviewing him, too," said Davis, a conservative Christian who home-schools her four kids, including the oldest, 15-year-old Sarah.

She said their journey to New Hampshire for this pivotal moment in political history was an unexpected blessing.

"Sarah has been taking a government class this year and she has become more and more passionate about Huckabee," said Davis.

So much so, that the teen asked family members to contribute to Huckabee's campaign as her Christmas gift this year - a small request that triggered an unexpected chain of events

read the rest of the story...

Today's News...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Today's News...

The Truth About Income Taxes

One thing you will constantly hear from liberals is that the rich people in America don't pay their fair share of income taxes while the middle class and "working poor" shoulder a larger share of the tax burden in our country.

In the 2008 presidential race, the Democrats are promising to repeal the "Bush tax cuts for the rich". What they are referring to are the cuts in the rate of income taxes that occurred during President Bush's first administration, which appeared to reduce the amount of tax paid by the richest Americans.

Income taxes are taxes that individuals pay to the government based on the money (income) that they earn, whether from a job or from the profits of their business. It may also include income from pensions, social security, interest earned on investments, and other income sources.

But how much do the richest of Americans pay in taxes compared to the average person? Are the liberals and Democrats right, or are they using class envy to gain political power?

The truth is that the richest 1% of Americans pay more than 39.38% of the total income taxes, even though they only earn 18% of the income. Since President Bush took office, the top 1% of earners have gone from paying 37.42% to 39.38%, carrying more of the tax burden than ever.

In fact, the top 50% of income earners actually pay 96.93% of the total income tax burden in our country. (Click here to see the charts from the IRS)

That means that the bottom 50% pay only 3.7% of the total income tax burden.

Since the poor pay no income taxes*, why do liberals lie about it to the people?

First of all, they know that it's human nature for people who have less to be jealous of those who have more. Whether it's a nicer skateboard or a bigger house or a new car, children and adults usually want bigger or better things and can become jealous of people who have those bigger and better things.

The same thing happens with money. People with less money are often jealous of people with more money. Because they make less money, they feel that people who they consider rich should pay more money than them in taxes.

After all, if the rich have so much money, they can afford to give more of it to the government, right?

This kind of taxation, where the more you earn, the higher percentage you pay in taxes, is called progressive taxation. Progressive taxation is one of the foundations of communism, socialism and Marxism.

Unfortunately, our American economic system has been infected with this kind of Marxism: progressive taxation, the welfare system, food stamp programs, Social Security and Medicare; and now the liberals are proposing some form of universal health care, which is socialized medicine.

People who are successful through hard work and smart money management are punished by having more of their money confiscated by the government (taxes), while those who don't work and don't achieve are rewarded with government freebies at the expense of those who do.

The true power of government is it's ability to take people's money away from them and give it to someone who will vote for them. Liberals use this power to buy the votes of the poor, who are essentially voting themselves government benefits when they put liberals and Democrats in public office.

Only by educating the public and using the power of the vote can we reverse this trend.

First, people need to learn that by hard work, smart money management, and better education, they can achieve financial success without the help of government.

Next, we need to make sure that conservative political candidates who understand and promote the free market, individual liberty and responsibility, and smaller, less intrusive government get our support and votes.

* Even though the poorest people may have income tax deductions from their paychecks during the year, the Earned Income Credit and other credits gives them that money and more back during tax season, which amounts to welfare.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

SWAT Team Invades Home, Seizes Boy for Medical Treatment

Comment: The story below is a good example of what happens when government violates it's constitutional limits. In most states, child welfare agencies have authority that is unconstitutional. Child welfare agencies do not have to meet the constitutional requirements of "probable cause" and are allowed to violate the "unreasonable searches and seizures" clause of the 4th Amendment. You'll also notice that the father of the family is described as a "self-proclaimed constitutionalist" by the Sheriff, as if that's a bad thing.

original story on World Net Daily
Nearly a dozen members of a police SWAT team in western Colorado punched a hole in the front door and invaded a family's home with guns drawn, demanding that an 11-year-old boy who had had an accidental fall accompany them to the hospital, on the order of Garfield County Magistrate Lain Leoniak.

The boy's parents and siblings were thrown to the floor at gunpoint and the parents were handcuffed in the weekend assault, and the boy's father told WND it was all because a paramedic was upset the family preferred to care for their son themselves.

Someone, apparently the unidentified paramedic, called police, the sheriff's office and social services, eventually providing Leoniak with a report that generated the magistrate's court order to the sheriff's office for the SWAT team assault on the family's home in a mobile home development outside of Glenwood Springs, the father, Tom Shiflett, told WND.

WND calls and e-mails to Garfield County Social Services were not returned, and Leoniak, who earlier served as a water court clerk/referee, also was not available.

Sheriff Lou Vallario, however, did call back, and told WND he ordered his officers to do exactly what the magistrate demanded.

"I was given a court order by the magistrate to seize the child, and arrange for medical evaluation, and that's what we did," he said.

According to friends of the family, Tom Shiflett, who has 10 children including six still at home, and served with paramedics in Vietnam, was monitoring his son's condition himself.

The paramedic and magistrate, however, ruled that that wasn't adequate, and dispatched the officers to take the boy, John, to a hospital, where a doctor evaluated him and released him immediately.

read the rest of the story here...

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Iraqi Soldier Deliberately Kills Two American Soldiers

An Iraqi soldier has shot and killed two American soldiers and wounded three others, it has emerged.

The two American soldiers are pictured to the left, Captian Rowdy Inman to the far left, and Sergeant Bejamin Portell to the right.

The incident - thought to be the first of its kind since the US-led invasion of 2003 - happened on Dec 26 but details have only just been disclosed by US and Iraqi military officials.

The soldier was out on a joint US and Iraqi patrol in the northern city of Mosul when he opened fire. A civilian interpreter was also wounded in the attack.

The US military said it was not clear why the soldier had shot members of his own patrol.

But one Iraqi general said the soldier was "an insurgent infiltrator" with links to Sunni militant groups.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Huckabee Wins Iowa, Expect More Attacks from Punditry

The Christian Right and the Fairtaxers came through for Huckabee last night in the Iowa Caucus, giving him a substantial 11 point victory over Mitt Romney.

Huckabee's success is truly amazing when you consider how hard the Republican machine was working against him. Novak, Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter, Malkin, Will, and about every conservative pundit with an audience was denouncing Huckabee as they bought into the Romney/Rudy/Thompson hysteria.

Expect the attacks on Huckabee to escalate. I fully expect Limbaugh to come out with a qualified official endorsement of Thompson or Romney before the New Hampshire primary, possibly even today.

The republican elites do not want to give up control of the party to the members, they are still feeling their oats after derailing the last amnesty bill and essentially killing the Harriet Myers nomination to the Supreme Court. They feel they are giving the Republican Party and even the president marching orders and they now have a huge problem with a strong Huckabee campaign that is not beholding to them.

But as Rush likes to say about the media: "If they don't make you, they can't break you".

Limbaugh, as the most powerful voice in the conservative movement, has been very disappointing.

He keeps saying "don't tell me Huckabee is a Reagan conservative". I don't know of anybody who is saying that Huckabee is a Reagan conservative. Maybe I'm just out of the loop.

Rush (and Hannity) also gives every Huckabee supporter on his show a raking over the coals, while giving Huckabee bashers a free pass.

One caller went unchallenged by Rush as he accused the Southern Baptists of being a religion that keeps women down and basically makes them slaves. Another female caller said she could never vote for an ex-minister, ex-rabbi, or ex-priest.

Both of these bigoted comments went unchallenged by Rush, yet he had no problem quoting Huckabee or Ed Rollins (Huckabee's campaign manager)out of context. You would think that Rush would have better sense than that after his "phony soldiers" controversy last fall!

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Sean Hannity basically became a Romney advertisement on Thursday afternoon before the caucus, as he sucked up to Mitt and attacked Huckabee. Mitt went unchallenged on Hannity's show, and Sean wonders why Huckabee didn't come on that afternoon.

Ann Coulter made fun of Huckabee's stretch marks and basically said we could expect more stained dresses in the Oval Office if Huckabee gets elected.

The rank-and-file republicans see through this BS coming from the conservative pundits, explaining Huckabee's success in Iowa.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Record Snows Hit U.S.

To see how much you know about global warming, take the Global Warming Test

All across the northern United States, cities and states are reporting record snowfall.

Cities reporting record or near-record snowfall are: Detroit, Michigan; Aspen, CO; Boston, Mass; Oshkosh,Wisconsin; Laconia, NH; Rochester, NY; Salem, Mass; and Madison, Wisconsin.

The northern chill is even reaching into Florida, where the overnight low in sunny Daytona Beach is expected to be 30ºF.

Although this is all anecdotal evidence, it very clear that weather records (whether for record low temps or high temps, snowfalls, drought, or rain) are made to be broken.

Anecdotal evidence is not scientific. It's very small amounts of information based on what the observer can gain through their senses of sight, sound, feel, etc. Because our bodies and viewpoints can change minute by minute, anecdotal evidence like this is not reliable for coming to valid conclusions.

Just as being in the middle of a record snowfall does not mean there is no global warming, being in the middle of a drought or heat wave does not mean that global warming is occurring.

What's needed is reliable scientific data without any political or social biases. This is sorely lacking in the global warming debate today.

To see how much you know about global warming, take the Global Warming Test